印度應用衛星遙測漁場技術造福漁民印度全國農業創新計畫(NAIP)利用衛星遙測成功定位漁場後,以簡訊通知Maharashtra邦Ratnagiri縣450位向NAIP駐村辦公室登記的漁民,結果發現遠較人工作業省時省油( 五萬公升 漁船用油);可望造福租房子擁有印度最長海岸線的Andhra Pradesh邦漁民。期程至2014年6月為止的NAIP係印度農業研究委員會(ICAR)推動的計畫,旨在結合農民團體、私人機構、公社組織及投資方的力量,發展及應用創新的農業技術以推動紓貧及增加所得相關方案。襯衫在印度進行的計劃多達834項的NAIP,資金(22,500萬美元)八成來自世界銀行,其他由印度政府提供。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 23/2011,15 Dec. 2011) SATELLITE MAPPING IN INDIA TO HELP IN FISHING A satellite 酒店兼職imagery experiment was conducted successfully to locate fish shoals, which is expected to benefit the fishermen of Andhra Pradesh, the state with the longest coastline in India. Through satellite mapping, 室內設計availability of fish at a particular area in the ocean is identified and is conveyed to the fishermen. This would help in saving time, as well as the fuel they use for their boats, while going in search of 當鋪fish. The experiment was conducted by the National Agricultural Innovation Project (NAIP) in a small fishermen pocket in Maharashtra's Ratnagiri village. NAIP is a project of the Indian Council of 當鋪Agriculture Research (ICAR) and is meant to support poverty alleviation programmes and income generation schemes by the development and application of innovative agricultural methods in partnership with farmers 房屋貸款groups, private sector, civil society organisations and other stakeholders. According to sources, about 450 fishermen in Ratnagiri district could save about 50,000 litres of diesel by using satellite imagery 二胎rather than searching manually. They were all registered with a local office of the NAIP to receive SMS alerts about the fish reserves. NAIP is a Rs 12 billion (US$225 million) project with 80% funding from the 酒店工作World Bank and rest from the Indian government. It implements 834 projects in India. The project will go on till June 2014.

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